Welcome to

Bunhill Fields Quaker Meeting

Anyone can attend our Meetings for Worship; we welcome newcomers.

Quakers meet for worship in what used to be the caretakers house of a set of Quaker mission buildings — all that remains after second-world-war bombing.

The surrounding gardens and playground occupy the site of the old ‘Quaker Burying Ground’ that was the first freehold land owned by Quakers in London.

One of our founders, George Fox, is buried here amongst many thousand early Quakers.

Meeting for Worship
Meetings for Worship are held in a prayerful silence within which anyone present may contribute. All are welcome. 
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Our History
Dating back to 1661, Bunhill Fields has a long history.
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Stay in Contact
If you would like to receive occasional updates from Bunhill Fields Meeting, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Sunday meetings are followed by tea/coffee and the opportunity for conversation. 

On the first Sunday of each month, refreshments are followed by informal gardening activities.

Wednesday meetings are followed by a shared lunch.
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You can find us at:

Quaker Court, London, EC1Y 8QQ

We meet:

Every Sunday at 11:00-12:00
Third Wednesday at 12:45-13:30


✓ Parking

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You can also find out more by following the links below, or by getting in contact.